Optimization Algorithms

Two variants of damped-least-squares optimization are available. Both give detailed control over parameters that control how the optimizer converges on potential solutions.

Optimization Types

  • Local: quickly find the local minimum in the solution space. Ideal for simple optimizations and optical designs that are close to finalized.
  • Extended: search for a range of local minima in the current region of solution space. Ideal for quickly searching for adjacent local minima, longer optimizations based upon a mature design, and glass substitution.
  • Global: search a broad range of solution space less constrained by the starting design. Ideal for the start of the design process, glass substitution, and searching for very different solutions.

Merit Functions

Any number of independent merit functions can be defined that use a defined set of variables, trace a specific set of rays, and compute targets and constraints. This method of tracing a rayset and computing multiple targets from that same rayset speeds computation and optimization times. Save and load merit functions to reuse in multiple designs.
  • Performance targets include: spot radius, wavefront, collimation, chromatic aberrations, 3rd order aberrations, Zernike aberrations, MTF, Strehl ratio, fiber coupling efficiency, Gaussian beam properties, and more.
  • Optical property targets include: F-number, numerical aperture (NA), focal length, pupil properties, magnification, telecentricity, and more.
  • Ray data targets include: ray positions/angles in local or global coordinates, enclosed energy, path length, footrpints, and more.
  • Dimensional targets include: thickness, radius, general 3D distance, and more.

Merit Function Wizard

Quickly create a merit function to target common optical metrics and add variable constraints.

Glass Substitution

Allocate materials as variables and use extended or global optimization to substitute real materials during optimization. Constrain solutions used in the optimization to specific materials or entire catalogs.

Quick Optimizers

Quickly focus or collimate an optical system by optimizing a single variable.

Variable Tools

Quickly set all thicknesses or radii as variables, remove all variables, set or reset extended polynomial coefficients in X or Y for freeform optimization.




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