A comprehensive, efficient, and robust API for controlling Quadoa is available with the Scripting toolbox. Integrate Quadoa into software workflows, automate design tasks, or write custom features inside Quadoa.

Python & MATLAB Scripting

Use common scripting languages to control nearly any capability within Quadoa.


Interface directly with the core Quadoa codebase using higher-level programming methods.

UI-Independent Operation

Execute Quadoa functions such as raytracing and optimization completely independent of the user interface. This allows Quadoa to be fully incorporated into custom codebases or optical equipment without the need to interact with the UI.

Code Wizards

Quickly write custom scripts and code by starting with code samples that provide key element necessary to communicate with Quadoa.

Custom Surfaces

Use Python to write custom surface form/sag profiles. Using the surface stack definition, these can be combined with built-in form functions so you only need to code the unique features not natively supported.

Custom Optimization Targets

Use Python to write custom optimization targets.


Modern User-Interface The user interface, and software overall, utilizes the latest cutting-edge software libraries. A ribbon-style layout will be very familiar to users of most modern engineering and productivity software. From a data input perspective, modern tables...


Sequential Analyses Most commonly used optical physics calculations are supported: Ray distributions: spot diagrams, footprint diagrams, vignetting plots Aberrations: wave/ray fans, lateral and longitudinal aberration, distortion, seidel coefficients, petzval...


Optimization Algorithms Two variants of damped-least-squares optimization are available. Both give detailed control over parameters that control how the optimizer converges on potential solutions. Optimization Types Local: quickly find the local minimum in the...


Comprehensive tolerancing tools allow the user to evaluate the impact of manufacturing and assembly errors on the performance of their system. Monte Carlo Analysis Create unique systems that account for all defined tolerances to better understand real world...


A comprehensive, efficient, and robust API for controlling Quadoa is available with the Scripting toolbox. Integrate Quadoa into software workflows, automate design tasks, or write custom features inside Quadoa. Python & MATLAB Scripting Use common scripting...