Polarized Light Source

Polarized Light Source

Polarized Light Source Learn how to define the polarization characteristics of the source.     Transcription: In this video, I will show you how we can set up different polarizations for the light source. The model I’ve opened here is the model with the name...
Basic Plot Settings

Basic Plot Settings

Basic Plot Settings Learn how to define settings for various analysis plots. Transcription: In this video, I will show you the analysis tab. I’ve opened this microscope objective, and you can also find it in the example folder. When we take a look here into the...
Computer Generated Hologram (CGH) Optimization

Computer Generated Hologram (CGH) Optimization

Computer Generated Hologram (CGH) Optimization Learn how to optimize a CGH for interferometric testing of aspheres.  Transcription: In this video, I will show you how to design a computer generated hologram for the interferometric testing of an aspheric surface....
Multiple Merit Function Optimization

Multiple Merit Function Optimization

Multiple Merit Function Optimization Learn how to optimize multiple merit functions and sequences simultaneously. Transcription: In this video, I will show you how to set up multiple merit functions. What is the advantage of setting up multiple merit functions? So...
Math Expression

Math Expression

Math Expression Learn how to use a math expression with different variables and tracing targets for optimization.  Transcription: In this video tutorial, I will show you how to use math expressions for the optimization. To use a math expression for the optimization,...