Cooke Triplet

Cooke Triplet

Cooke Triplet Learn how to design a Cooke triplet including setup, optimization, and final iteration.  Transcription: Hello, and welcome everyone to a new Quadoa tutorial. Today, we are going to design a classical Cook triplet camera lens from scratch....
Off-Axis Telescope

Off-Axis Telescope

Off-Axis Telescope Learn how to design a parametric off-axis mirror telescope including defining lookup parameters, ray sequence, optimization, analysis of image quality, and export to CAD. Transcription:...
Coordinate Systems

Coordinate Systems

Coordinate Systems Learn how to work with local and global coordinate systems. Transcription: In this video I will show you what is the difference between the local and the global coordinate system. When we take a look at here at this link in the federal meter, which...


Assemblies Learn how to assign multiple components to a common assembly. Transcription: In this video, I will show you how we can assign these four lenses here to one common assembly. The advantage of an assembly is the own coordinate system....
Surface Stack Definition

Surface Stack Definition

Surface Stack Definition Learn how to create complex surfaces by adding different shapes to a lens (e.g., aspheres, Gaussian, cosine). Transcript: In this video, I will show you how to add different forms to a single surface. Quadoa has here a unique feature, which is...
Lens Construction

Lens Construction

Lens Construction Learn how to create a simple singlet lens using the Lens Wizard and explore the lens component definition in the Optical Design Editor. Transcription: In this video, I will show you how to create a singlet lens. And for that, we go here on the top to...